Payments via your website

Ctel can supply a range of web based solutions to enable your business to accept payments via the internet.

Web Pay is the ideal solution for your business if you want to accept real time credit card payments with minimal time and effort, and is perhaps the easiest and most cost effective way to accept credit card payments from an existing website. Using Web Pay, you will be able to accept and authorise credit card payments in real time, with minimal changes to your current website, wherever it is hosted.

A secure extension from your website

Web Pay is a secure extension from an existing web site. All you need to do is discretely link to your payment page which is hosted in our secure environment and you instantly have the ability to accept credit card payments from your website. All without having to worry about security risks, having your website compromised or the associated costs of maintaining a secure web page.

Maintain your corporate look and feel

Your corporate look and feel is maintained through the end user experience as the payment page can be customised to include your company logo and colours. Once the payment is complete, the user is redirected to a URL or page of your choice without ever knowing they left your website.

Reliability, security & instant reporting

Each transaction submitted is electronically remitted to your acquiring bank through any of several redundant connections to the banking network, ensuring maximum service availability. Results of all your payments are available immediately for reconciling, from our online reporting tool Merchant Direct and you can even elect to receive email notification of a successful payment.


For further information on how Web Direct will benefit your business, contact us on 1300 55 2835

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